Visitation/documentation date: November 25, 2024, 11:54am EST.
Original sighting date: February 22 & 23, 1966.
The sky was perfectly clear on the day of visitation, with no clouds. No observed (unexplainable) phenomena on the day of visitation.
The day of this posting, December 14th, is the 12th anniversary of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which originally took place in 2012. While I was in Connecticut for a residency at Lighthouse Works, I made a pilgrimage to Sandy Hook to not only view the site of this Blue Book report, but to also pay my respects at the Sandy Hook Memorial. One of my interests in the Project Blue Book reports lies in the connections to sites of trauma; scholars like Jeff Kripal write often about how instances of trauma, whether it be physical, mental or emotional, often precede encounters with the paranormal - a phenomenon that has been the subject of religious mythology for centuries, if not millennia. If some aspects of UFOs and/or UAPs sightings are indeed the result of a projection of human consciousness, as some researchers have argued, could it be that these sightings are linked to sites of trauma, either public or personal? If time does not flow only forward, but is indeed accessible to those with the appropriate means, as physics suggests, are these projections related to events that may happen in the future? Are they harbingers?
Like many Blue Book reports, the actual report itself is heavily redacted, only to then have that information be available through other means in the same file. In this instance, it seems that one Mrs. Alice Danuszar reported her sightings to the Air Force, before she was then interviewed by a local paper. The Air Force concluded what she saw was Venus, even though Danuszar states that the phenomenon looked like a “TV tube with the base end downward or somewhat like an ice cream cone. A metallic bluish-green flame came from the bottom and at various intervals red antennae appeared to thrust outward from around the top in different numbers at a given moment.” Venus, indeed.
The newspaper report, from which the above quote is taken, also states that Danuszar was given the conclusions that she may have also seen a balloon - an equally frustrating response, given what she claims she saw.
An interesting coincidence is that, as per the newspaper report, Danuszar lived off of Riverside Road - Sandy Hook Elementary is off of Riverside Road as well.
When I visited the site, I noted on an Instagram story that even though the memorial is not built on the land where the school once stood, there’s a heaviness in the area that pulls your attention from the memorial to a building off to the right. I didn’t know this while I was there, but the new Sandy Hook Elementary is within sight of the memorial, and at least for me personally, I could feel its looming presence. I read in an NPR article that the new Sandy Hook Elementary was built literally on top of the old school; I realize that I am open to affects of the unseen, but I don’t think it takes anyone intuitively gifted to feel the lingering effect of the happenings of December 14th, 2012 and the way that the land in that area absorbed that tragedy. I cannot imagine being a student and going to that school every day, and being subjected to that heaviness, whether it’s felt consciously or not.
It’s an effect that lingers, perhaps as just a trick of the light, perhaps as a tangible manifestation of grief, sorrow and wonder at the unexplainable.
I usually, purposefully, wait until the sky is clear of all recognizable phenomena before I snap my shots of the skies at Blue Book sites; I left this plane in this image on intuition - it felt appropriate to capture something high above, flying away at great speed, leaving a visible trail.
P.S. Much could be said, and has been said, about the lingering repercussions of gun violence in America since Sandy Hook. I myself was a senior in high school when Columbine happened, arguably the first major American school shooting of the modern era that gruesomely kicked off this string of violence in our places of education; it’s not a coincidence that planned trauma happens at a place where our youth go to become better learned citizens, nor is it a coincidence that we have been forced to learn to live with the attacks on these sites. There’s a correlation that is linked between the fear of being educated with the lack of response to do anything to abide future attacks - though that is a lengthy conversation that goes beyond the purpose of this particular post. But, this is just to say that it does not escape me that we have tuned out any rational response to these preventable events and instead of just accepted a fate that is entirely avoidable.